Museums Blog Webring

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25 sites out of 63

Musa musae
An exploration about museums anb web 2.0
Dulwich OnView
A blog about Dulwich Picture Gallery, its location and its local community. Run by a group of Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery It attracts an eclectic group of contributors from the community and a few from the Gallery.
"Tricks of the Trade" about Exhibits (and Museums.) Useful information and resources for exhibit design and exhibit development.
A blog about Museum Marketing (in cloggy English)
Biomedicine on Display
We focus our inquiring minds on the display of visual and material culture in museums, laboratories and clinics. Our aim is to promote a wide public engagement with contemporary biomedicine.
Austin Children's Museum Blog
The Austin Children's Museum blog provides information about museum exhibits and activities, family-friendly events in the Austin Area, and a wide variety of educational and creative resources for children.
Purposeful Techie
Tips and tricks for making advanced technology more accessible for museums (and other non-profits) with small staffs and budgets.
Musei in Comune 2.0
The official blog of the museums of the Municipality of Rome.
the filmlinc blog
The latest on what's happening at the Film Society of Lincoln Center, dispatches from the New York Film Festival and exclusive content from Film Comment magazine.
Exhibit: F
A documentation of a Do-It-Yourself approach to design, fabrication, interactives and installation of an exhibit from conceptualization to the end result.
A l'ombra de Bosch Gimpera
Personal blog in catalan (with Google translator add-on), about archaeology, museums and heritage
Museologia da Floresta
In portuguese. Um blog para discutir, trocar idéias e experiências sobre museus, museologia, museografia, especialmente aqueles localizados na região Amazônica.
Adventures in History
A blog about interpretation and education in history museums and historical societies and general observations on history in popular culture. Also offers consultation and research assistance to organizations and individuals.
Uncataloged Museum
A somewhat random collection of thoughts about the work of museums: what our work means to those of us who work in them; what our audiences might be thinking about; and the place that history museums occupy in today's culture.
Museum Corner
The Museum corner, Falciatore KFT. Based in Budapest Hungary, this company designs produces and distributes and markets specialty gift products for museums, galleries, individual artists that are representative venue.
Museum Planner
The “Museum Planning” blog is a resource for board members, museum staff and museum consultants working in the field of interactive museums.
Mario Bucolo Museums Blog
A blog about museums and culture
Ideum blog
The Ideum blog explores issues concerning museums as well as design, technology and science.
MODE: Museums, Objects, Design, Exhibitions
Museums, Design and everything in between.
Live from LRMA
up-to-date news from the Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Mississippi
Museum Madness
Museums play an important role in society. This blog will attempt to offer some commentary on museums and their roles in our lives. The commentary on this blog is my opinion and any mistakes are entirely my own.
Museums Australia education group
Museum Detective
A chronicle of travel stories, research projects and general musings about museum things; the author is based in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The web journal of the Hamilton and Area Museum Educators Group (Hamilton,Ontario, Canada)
Kulturelle Welten
Blog around museums and exhibitions, son et lumière, biology and some other themes with relations to history

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